Jennifer Volk
John D. Wiley Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Contact: jennifer [dot] volk [at] wisc [dot] edu
I am the John D. Wiley Assistant Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, specializing in Solid State Devices, Quantum Systems, and Computer Systems & Architecture. I received my Ph.D. in ECE at UC Santa Barbara in ECE in 2024, during which I was also a part-time researcher at MIT Lincoln Lab and a visiting scholar at the University of Michigan. My group's interests center on circuit design for "unconventional", "beyond-CMOS", technologies but extend down to materials and up to computer architecture. For an up-to-date list of publications, please take a look at my publications page and scholar profile. I have open positions for students—prospective graduate students are encouraged to apply here.
My work exploits circuit and device quirks in unconventional technologies to build highly efficient computing systems. While there is increasing evidence that the adoption or incorporation of these technologies in such systems can yield efficiency improvements and meet greater performance targets, there is currently a large gap between their promise and their integration. My group investigates circuit, logic, and microarchitecture co-optimizations, while fabricating prototypes that confirm our models, to investigate their usefulness for next-generation systems. To this end, we use two guiding questions for our research:
(1) What does the technology do better than CMOS?
(2) What can the technology do that CMOS cannot?
Most recently, we have been investigating superconductor electronics as a timely case study (due to their ability to provide energy-efficient and high-performance systems for applications ranging from datacenter, neuromorphic, and quantum computing to space, satellite, and sensing systems). Our group takes inspiration from materials science and physics, and imports a low-level understanding of devices to higher levels of abstraction, to tackle some of the most significant challenges in the field, including memory, and fabricate numerous successful designs with MIT Lincoln Laboratory in their mature superconducting process node, SFQ5ee. Our results demonstrate orders-of-magnitude logic and memory density improvements over the state of the practice.
Furthermore, we are committed to excellence and to creating safe spaces for collaboration and learning in our community and beyond. We believe wholeheartedly that a culture centered on these principles starts at community engagement and betterment; you can find a few ways in which we are engaged in our community on the activities page. This pillar of our service is particularly inspired by the namesake of my titled appointment; you can read more about some of John Wiley's extraordinary contributions here.
🦡 In Spring 2025, I will be joining the ECE department at UW-M as an Assistant Professor in Solid State Devices, Quantum Systems, and Computer Systems & Architecture. On, Wisconsin!
📚 In September we will be presenting our logic synthesis work at the 2024 Applied Superconductivity Conference. See you in SLC!
📚 The 61st Design Automation Conference (DAC) will be showcasing our work on logic synthesis of superconducting circuits. See you in SF!
Race logic primitives and accelerators in SFQ5ee.
Cell abutment and high fan-out with Ic ranking in SFQ5ee.